Skin Conditions

Say Goodbye to Lipomas: How Lipoma Surgery Can Help You

Say Goodbye to Lipomas: How Lipoma Surgery Can Help You

Say goodbye to lipomas with Lipoma Surgery!  

Learn all you need to know about the removal procedure, risks, and aftercare for successful lipoma removal. 

Are you dealing with an unsightly and uncomfortable Lipoma?  

Then Lipoma Surgery may be the answer.  

This procedure removes the fatty lumps from beneath the surface of your skin, giving you a smooth complexion free from irritation or discomfort.  

In this piece, we’ll take a look at what lipoma surgery involves, its potential gains and the risks that come with it so you can decide if it’s an appropriate option for you.  

So if you’re considering having lipoma surgery but aren’t sure where to start – read on. 

What is a Lipoma? 

Definition of a Lipoma: 

A lipoma is an accumulation of fat cells that form into a soft lump beneath the skin’s surface. These lumps, ranging from minuscule to sizeable, may feel spongy or rubbery when touched. 

The source of lipomas is uncertain, though they may be due to heredity-linked genetic variations passed on through successive generations. Additionally, some people with certain medical conditions, such as Gardner’s syndrome or Madelung’s disease, have an increased risk of developing multiple lipomas throughout their lifetime. 

Removing these lumps can prevent the growth of existing lipomas or stop new ones from forming after surgery. 

Generally speaking, lipomas do not cause any pain or discomfort unless they become large enough to press against nearby nerves or organs. However, they may be visible through the skin as raised bumps that move slightly when touched due to their fatty composition underneath the surface layer of skin tissue. 

Lipomas are common benign skin tumours that can often be removed through surgery. Although this procedure carries a small risk and potential complications, it may offer a more permanent solution for those seeking relief from their lipoma symptoms. Let’s take a closer look at what to expect when undergoing lipoma surgery. 

Overview of the Procedure: 

Lipoma surgery typically involves making an incision over the area where the lipoma is situated. Once the lipoma is in view, your doctor may make a series of incisions or even use specialised tools such as endoscopes and ultrasound probes for greater accuracy. Once exposed, your surgeon will carefully remove all visible parts of the lipoma. Afterwards, they will close up any incisions with sutures (stitches). 

The advantages of surgically removing a lipoma include  

  • relief from the pain caused by pressure on nerves,  
  • reducing discomfort due to their size,  
  • halting further growth and improving appearance.  

Surgery for lipoma may be a worthwhile option to address the skin problem, but it is essential to consider other advantages of this procedure before deciding. 

Key Takeaway:  The key takeaway from this is that lipoma surgery can provide relief from pain, reduce discomfort, halt further growth, and improve appearance while also eliminating any worries about malignancy. 

Benefits of Lipoma Surgery 

The main benefit of lipoma surgery is improved appearance.  

Lipoma surgery can relieve pain and discomfort caused by large or multiple lipomas.  

It is a minimally invasive procedure that involves removing the fatty tissue of the lipoma without damaging surrounding tissues. The process typically lasts less than sixty minutes, and people who undergo it can generally go home on the same day with minimal post-operative downtime. 

Once healed, the procedure’s minimal invasiveness makes it so that no noticeable scars remain on the skin. However, some redness may be present around the incision. Keep the wound clean and dry for optimal results during the recovery period. 

Key Takeaway: Lipoma surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that can help improve the appearance and reduce discomfort, with minimal scarring and recovery time. 

Risks of Lipoma Surgery 

Lipoma excision is a commonly used technique for extracting benign growths made up of fatty cells. While the risks associated with this type of surgery are generally low, it’s essential to understand them before undergoing any surgical procedure. 


As with any surgical procedure, there is always a risk of infection after lipoma surgery. Your dermatologist may suggest antibiotics to help lower the risk of infection.  


Bleeding can occur during or after lipoma surgery due to trauma caused by the incision or tissue removal from the tumour site. Your doctor will likely use stitches and pressure dressings to stop bleeding during surgery, but you may require additional medical attention if excessive bleeding persists. 


Scarring is another potential side effect associated with lipoma surgery, as the surgeon must make an incision to access and remove the tumour from beneath your skin’s surface. The size and intensity of scarring can differ depending upon the pre-operative tumour magnitude and your specialist’s proficiency during their activity. However, if you follow post-operative instructions, most scars tend to fade over time, leaving little evidence behind once healed. 

In rare cases, nerve damage can occur during lipoma surgeries due to improper handling or cutting too close when removing tumours near nerves in delicate areas such as arms or legs. This typically only happens when inexperienced surgeons attempt complex procedures requiring specialised training. If nerve damage occurs, you may need physical therapy, depending on the damage sustained.  

Key Takeaway: Lipoma surgery is a common and safe procedure and carries minimal risk when performed by a competent surgeon. 


Lipoma surgery is a safe and effective way to remove lipomas with minimal scarring.  

It can provide relief from the symptoms associated with lipomas, such as pain or discomfort. Though risks are associated with any medical procedure, consulting with your dermatologist will guarantee you get the best results.  

If you think that lipoma surgery may be right for you, speak to our dermatologist today about how surgery could help improve your quality of life. 

Are you looking for a safe and effective solution to lipoma surgery? Look no further than the London Dermatology Clinic. Our experienced surgeons specialise in providing top-notch care with minimal scarring, fast healing times, and long-lasting results. We are committed to helping you feel comfortable during your procedure and confident about the outcome of your treatment. Contact us today to learn more about our specialised services! 


Mole Analysis: The Best Way to Detect Skin Abnormalities Early!

Mole Analysis: The Best Way to Detect Skin Abnormalities Early!

Discover the benefits of Mole Analysis and how it can help detect skin abnormalities early. Learn why this advanced technique is the best way to protect your health! 

Have you ever been concerned about a mole on your skin? 

Do you want to find out if it’s something that needs medical attention or not? If so, then Mole Analysis is the answer.  

Mole analysis is an advanced technique for evaluating moles and other growths on the surface of your skin. It uses state-of-the-art technology to identify a mole’s size, shape, colour, texture, and symmetry abnormalities.  

The process can help detect potentially dangerous lesions before they become serious health risks.  

With benefits, such as improved accuracy in detecting possible melanoma cancers, why wouldn’t one choose this method over traditional methods? Read more below to learn about mole analysis – what it entails, how beneficial it can be, when you should worry about a mole – and much more. 

What is Mole Analysis? 

Mole analysis is a medical procedure used to identify and analyse moles on the skin. It involves examining the mole’s size, shape, colour, texture, and other characteristics to determine if it is benign or malignant. The procedure can help diagnose skin cancer and other skin conditions. 

In addition to visual inspection under magnification, doctors may perform tests like biopsy or imaging studies like X-rays, and CT scans to confirm their diagnosis. Biopsies involve taking small samples from the mole, which are then examined under a microscope for signs of cancerous cells. At the same time, imaging studies provide detailed images that allow doctors to check for any changes in size over time that could indicate cancer growth within the body’s tissues. 


When it comes to identifying potential risks associated with moles, you should always be aware of the ABCDE criteria:  

  • Asymmetry – If one half does not match up with another 
  • Border – If there are irregular edges 
  • Colour – If there are multiple colours present 
  • Diameter – If larger than six millimetres across 
  • Evolving – A doctor should closely monitor any changes in appearance over time. 

It is essential for people with moles on their bodies, especially those that don’t fit into normal parameters, to keep track of them so they can alert their doctor if there are any changes. Mole analysis helps give peace of mind since early detection increases survival rates significantly when dealing with skin cancers such as melanoma. 

Mole analysis can provide valuable insight into skin conditions, helping to determine the best course of action for surgical solutions. By understanding the structure and characteristics of moles, it is possible to make informed decisions about treatments tailored to individual needs. Let’s take a look at the benefits of mole analysis next. 


Key Takeaway: Mole analysis is an essential medical procedure to identify and analyse moles, which can help diagnose skin cancer and other conditions. Early detection increases survival rates significantly, so people with moles need to monitor them closely. 


Benefits of Mole Analysis 

Mole analysis is a valuable tool for detecting skin cancer and other skin conditions. It involves looking at moles’ size, shape, colour, texture, and border to determine if they are benign or malignant. 

Mole analysis can also help identify any changes in existing moles that may indicate a more severe condition. Early detection and diagnosis can lead to better treatment outcomes and improved prognosis for patients with skin cancer or other skin conditions. 

One of the primary benefits of mole analysis is its ability to detect early signs of melanoma—the most dangerous form of skin cancer—before it has had time to spread throughout the body. By identifying suspicious moles before they become more prominent or darker, doctors can treat them sooner, potentially saving lives. Additionally, mole analysis can monitor existing moles over time so that any changes in size or colour can be identified quickly and addressed sooner. 

Another benefit of mole analysis is its accuracy in diagnosing various types of noncancerous lesions such as cysts, warts, seborrheic keratoses (benign growths), actinic keratoses (precancerous patches), lentigines (freckles) and nevi (moles). Knowing what type of lesion you have helps your dermatologist decide on an appropriate course of treatment which could include topical medications like retinoids or cryotherapy, depending on the severity. 

Finally, mole analysis provides peace of mind for those concerned about their risk factors for developing certain skin cancers due to family history or lifestyle choices, such as excessive sun exposure without adequate protection from sunscreen products containing SPF 30+. Regular check-ups with a dermatologist will ensure that any new developments are monitored, and action can be taken if necessary. 

Mole analysis can provide a comprehensive and accurate diagnosis of skin conditions, allowing for tailored treatments that address each patient’s individual needs. With its numerous advantages, mole analysis is an ideal choice for those seeking surgical solutions to their skin problems – so let’s explore why it might be the right choice for you in the next section. 


Key Takeaway: Mole analysis is a valuable tool for early detection and accurate diagnosis of various skin conditions, leading to improved prognosis and better treatment outcomes. 


Why Choose Mole Analysis? 

Mole analysis is a safe, non-invasive procedure performed quickly and easily in a doctor’s office or clinic. It does not require special preparation or recovery time, making it an ideal choice for those seeking quick results without surgery or extensive treatments. Additionally, mole analysis is relatively inexpensive compared to other forms of testing for skin cancer or other skin conditions. 

The procedure involves taking a sample of the mole and sending it off to a laboratory where it will be examined under a microscope by trained professionals who can determine whether the mole is benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous). This process allows doctors to diagnose potential issues early on and provide appropriate treatment options. 

One of the significant benefits of mole analysis is its accuracy in detecting potentially dangerous moles before they become more serious health risks. By analysing moles at their earliest stages, medical professionals can identify any changes that may indicate cancerous growths before they have had time to spread throughout the body. This helps ensure that patients receive timely treatment, which can significantly improve outcomes and reduce risk factors associated with advanced cases of skin cancer. 

Another advantage of mole analysis is its convenience. Patients can easily make an appointment with their dermatologist when they notice something unusual about one or more moles on their body and receive answers promptly without waiting weeks for results. Furthermore, since no incisions are made during this procedure, the associated discomfort is minimal – meaning you won’t have to worry about dealing with pain after your visit. 

Mole analysis is a safe and effective way to identify potentially dangerous skin conditions, so it’s essential to be aware of the signs that could indicate a more serious issue. Taking the time to understand when you should worry about a mole can help you make an informed decision about your health and safety. 

Key Takeaway: Mole analysis is a safe, non-invasive procedure that can accurately detect potentially dangerous moles early on and provide timely treatment, making it an ideal choice for those seeking quick results without the need for surgery or extensive treatments. 

When should you worry about a mole? 

Moles are common skin growths that can appear anywhere on the body. They’re usually harmless, but in some cases, they can signify something more serious. Knowing when to worry about a mole and seeking medical attention is essential. 

What is a Mole? 

A mole is a small spot or cluster of skin sites typically darker than the surrounding area. Moles consist of cells called melanocytes, which produce pigment (melanin) that gives them their colour. Most moles form during childhood or adolescence and tend to darken as we age. While most moles are benign (noncancerous), it’s essential to pay attention to any changes in size, shape, colour, texture, or other characteristics so you can determine if further evaluation by your doctor is necessary. 

Benefits of Mole Analysis: 

Mole analysis involves a thorough examination of moles to detect any signs of potential cancerous activity, such as irregular borders and asymmetry in shape or size compared with other moles on the body. This evaluation is essential for early detection since treatment options become much less effective once melanoma has spread beyond its original site. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that one person dies from melanoma every hour worldwide, making it the deadliest form of skin cancer. However, early detection through mole analysis increases survival rates significantly. 

Why Choose Mole Analysis? 

Mole analysis is an invaluable tool for those who have multiple moles on their bodies, especially individuals with fair complexions. Furthermore, it helps them become familiar with what “normal” looks like on their body so they can recognise any abnormalities quickly and easily if they occur. This could lead to earlier detection of potentially dangerous lesions such as metastasis (spread throughout the body). 

When Should You Worry About a Mole? 

You should always consult your doctor if you notice any changes in existing moles, including changes in size, increase in thickness, change in colour, itching sensation around the area or bleeding from within/around the lesion. 

If left untreated, these symptoms could indicate the malignant transformation into melanoma, which requires immediate medical intervention before spreading elsewhere and leading to possible death due to complications arising from late diagnosis. Therefore all suspicious-looking lesions must be evaluated by trained professionals promptly upon noticing any unusual features.  

Key Takeaway: Mole analysis is an essential tool for the early detection of potentially dangerous lesions, as it can increase survival rates significantly. Regular self-examinations and prompt medical attention to changes in existing moles should be taken seriously. 


Mole Analysis offers quick results with minimal downtime, making it ideal for those seeking surgical solutions to their skin conditions.  

With mole analysis, you can be sure that your skin will look and feel better in no time. So if you’re looking for a reliable and efficient way to improve the appearance of your skin, consider mole analysis as an option today. 

We at Harley Street Health Care have an experienced team who regularly carry out Mole Analysis and can advise you of the best treatment method tailored specifically to you. 

Call us now and get peace of mind and restore your skin to its former glory. 


Unlock the Secrets to Removing Skin Tags!

Unlock the Secrets to Removing Skin Tags!

Discover the best ways to remove skin tags and learn how to avoid them.  

From cryotherapy to surgical options, we’ll help you get rid of those unsightly blemishes for good! 

Do you have unsightly skin tags that make you feel self-conscious? 

Are you wondering what they are and the best way to remove them? 

Skin tags, medically known as acrochordons, are small flesh-coloured growths typically found on the neck, armpits, or groin area. Though harmless, many people seek ways to get rid of them for cosmetic reasons.  

In this blog post, we’ll look at what skin tags are and explore some methods of removing them, including cryotherapy and other surgical options. 

We’ll also cover how you can avoid getting these annoying blemishes in the first place by understanding how obesity or diabetes may increase your risk of developing skin tags. So keep reading if you want to know more about dealing with these unwanted visitors. 

What are Skin Tags? 

Skin tags are small, benign growths that appear on the skin’s surface. They are typically flesh-coloured and can range in size from a few millimetres to several centimetres. Skin tags often appear on the neck, armpits, groin area, or eyelids and may be mistaken for warts or moles. 

These growths are composed of loose collagen fibres and blood vessels surrounded by an outer layer of skin. Although they can occur anywhere on the body, they tend to be more common in areas where there is friction between clothing and skin, such as underarms or around the waistline. 

Although harmless, some people find them unsightly and choose to have them removed for cosmetic reasons. 

Fortunately, removing skin tags is relatively simple, with minimal discomfort involved.  

Standard methods include  

  • cutting off the tag with a scalpel or scissors 
  • freezing it off using liquid nitrogen  
  • tying it off with thread (ligation)  
  • burning it off using electric current (electrocautery) 
  • applying topical medications that dissolve them over time (chemical cauterization). 

It’s important to note that although these treatments may sound painful, most patients report little to no pain during removal procedures due to local anaesthesia used beforehand. In addition, since skin tags don’t contain any nerve endings, their removal doesn’t cause any long-term damage either – making this procedure safe for all ages. 

Suppose you think you might have a skin tag but aren’t sure what it is. In that case, it’s best to consult your doctor before attempting any treatment yourself, as some growths could potentially be something else entirely, like melanoma which requires immediate medical attention. 

Key Takeaway: Skin tags are common, harmless growths that can be easily removed with minimal discomfort using various methods such as cutting, freezing, tying off or burning. However, it is essential to consult a doctor before attempting any treatment. 

Best Way to Remove Skin Tags 

Cryotherapy (freezing) is one of the most popular methods for removing skin tags because it is relatively painless and has a high success rate with minimal risk of scarring or damage to surrounding tissue. 

This procedure involves freezing the tag with liquid nitrogen, which results in the tag falling off a few days after the treatment. Depending on the size of the tag, it may take multiple treatments, but results should be visible shortly after each session. 

For those who prefer not to use cryotherapy, other options include cutting off the tag with scissors or using an electric current (electrocautery) to burn it off at its base. 

These methods require more skill than cryotherapy, so if you choose this route, it’s essential to find an experienced surgeon, as the improper technique could result in scarring or infection at the site of removal. 

Regardless of your chosen method, ensure your practitioner follows proper safety protocols, such as wearing gloves and sterilizing all instruments before beginning any skin contact procedure. Additionally, avoid touching or scratching your skin tags, as this could lead to infection and further irritation around the area. 

For the most effective and safest way to remove skin tags, it is essential to consult a doctor or dermatologist. However, there are also some preventative measures you can take to reduce your risk of developing skin tags in the first place – let’s explore those now. 

Key Takeaway: Multiple methods are available to eliminate skin tags, such as using liquid nitrogen, snipping it with sharp scissors or having them burnt off with electricity. However, you must follow all safety precautions and refrain from touching the area after removing it. 

How to Avoid Skin Tags 

If you’re looking to avoid developing skin tags, there are specific lifestyle changes you can make that may help reduce your risk of developing them. 

Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the most important things you can do to reduce your chances of getting skin tags. Eating a balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables will also help keep your body healthy and functioning optimally, which can prevent unwanted growths from forming on the surface of your skin. 

Regular exercise is another excellent way to maintain good health while reducing your risk of developing skin tags and other conditions such as diabetes and obesity, which could increase the likelihood of their formation. 

Aiming for at least 30 minutes per day should be enough to keep you feeling energized while helping ward off any potential issues with your overall health that could lead to an increased chance of developing these types of growths on the surface of your skin. 

Key Takeaway: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, practising proper hygiene, and keeping wounds clean can help reduce the risk of developing skin tags. 


In conclusion, skin tags are a common and harmless skin condition and can be removed easily with cryotherapy or other surgical methods.  

At the same time, there is no sure-fire way to avoid them altogether; it’s essential to take steps such as maintaining a healthy weight and managing diabetes to reduce the risk of developing skin tags. You can have smooth, clear skin free from pesky skin tags with proper care and treatment. 

We at Harley Street Health Care have an experienced team who regularly deal with the removal of skin tags and can advise you of the best treatment method tailored specifically to you. 

Call us now and restore your skin to its former glory. 


Wart Removal: Discover How Cryotherapy Can Help

Wart Removal: Discover How Cryotherapy Can Help

Say goodbye to warts with cryotherapy!  

Learn how this safe and effective treatment can help you achieve clear skin. Discover the facts about wart removal today! 

Are you struggling with unsightly and uncomfortable warts?  

 You’re not alone.  

Wart removal can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Cryotherapy is one of the most popular methods for removing warts, but what exactly are warts, and how does this treatment work?  

Read on to learn more about wart removal and discover if cryotherapy can effectively solve your skin condition. 

What are Warts? 

Warts are small, raised growths on the skin caused by a virus.  

They can be found anywhere on the body and vary in size, shape, colour, and texture. Warts are typically painless but may cause discomfort if irritated or inflamed. 

Definition of Warts: 

Warts are a common skin condition but can be unsightly and uncomfortable. A wart is a benign (non-cancerous) growth that appears when certain types of viruses infect the top layer of skin. The virus enters through tiny cuts or breaks in the skin and causes an overgrowth of cells to form a bumpy mass known as a wart. 

Types of Warts: 

There are several types of warts, including  

  • Common Warts – usually appear on hands or fingers 
  • Plantar Warts – typically form on the soles of feet. 
  • Flat Warts– tend to be found in clusters on the face or legs and have smooth surfaces 
  • Filiform Warts – (finger-like) wart growths can occur around the eyes or mouth and may have a thread-like appearance. 
  • Genital Warts – spread through sexual contact.  
  • Mosaic Warts – consist of multiple more minor bumps that join together to form one large mass.

Can Warts be Removed? 

Although warts are generally harmless, they can be unsightly and uncomfortable for some people. They can appear anywhere on the body and vary in size and shape. Warts are contagious and can spread from person to person or through contact with an infected surface. Fortunately, there are several treatment options for wart removal ranging from topical medications to surgical procedures. 

Treatment Options for Wart Removal: 

Depending on location, size, type, and severity, various treatments are available for removing warts. These include  

  • cryotherapy (freezing),  
  • laser therapy (burning),  
  • topical medications (creams/ointments),  
  • electrosurgery (burning)  
  • excisional surgery (cutting).  

Each option has advantages and disadvantages, so consider the best suited to your needs before deciding. 

Benefits of Removing Warts: 

The main benefit of removing warts is improved appearance and relief from discomfort, such as itching or burning sensations. In addition, wart removal helps reduce the risk of spreading the virus to other parts of your body or other people since it eliminates the source of infection altogether. 

It is essential to discuss all potential risks with your doctor before beginning any kind of treatment so that you know what you are getting into beforehand. This will help ensure that the procedure is carried out correctly by an experienced professional using sterile equipment in a clean environment, thus reducing the risk of scarring, infection at the site where the wart was removed or even nerve damage. 

Key Takeaway: Removing warts can improve your appearance and relieve discomfort. However, discussing all potential risks with a doctor before beginning any kind of treatment is essential. 

Cryotherapy for Wart Removal 

Warts are removable, and there are a variety of treatments available. Cryotherapy is one such treatment.  

Cryotherapy for Wart Removal is a standard and effective treatment option for those seeking to remove warts.  

Cryotherapy involves freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen, which causes it to blister and eventually fall off. The procedure is relatively quick and painless, making it an attractive choice for many people. 

During cryotherapy, your doctor will apply liquid nitrogen directly onto the wart using either a cotton swab or spray applicator. The area around the wart becomes cold very quickly and forms an ice ball around it. The ice ball then slowly thaws over several minutes until all of the tissue in that area has been frozen solid. After this process is complete, the dead skin cells are naturally removed from the body over time as new healthy skin grows. 

Cryotherapy for Wart Removal has many advantages, such as its quickness and minimal discomfort compared to other treatments like surgery or laser therapy. Furthermore, it does not require any anaesthesia, so there are no risks associated with being put under general anaesthesia like there would be if you were having a surgical procedure performed on your warts instead.  

Additionally, cryotherapy only targets the areas where warts are present while leaving surrounding healthy tissue unharmed.  

And, unlike more invasive procedures, it does not cause scarring or damage to nearby tissue. 

Key Takeaway: Cryotherapy for Wart Removal is a safe, quick, and painless procedure that involves freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen to cause it to blister and eventually fall off without damaging surrounding healthy tissue. 


Wart removal is a viable option for those suffering from skin conditions caused by warts. Cryotherapy has been proven to be an effective method of removing warts and can provide long-term relief from their discomfort. While other treatments are available, cryotherapy is often the preferred choice due to its low risk and high success rate. If you’re considering wart removal, speak to your doctor about cryotherapy, as it may be the best solution for you. 

Are you looking for a safe and reliable way to remove warts? The London Dermatology Clinic offers the latest in wart removal treatments. Our experienced team of dermatologists can provide customized solutions tailored to your needs, ensuring that you get the best possible results with minimal discomfort or downtime. Contact us today and start feeling confident about your skin again! 


Lipoma Removal London Causes, Symptoms & Other Information

Lipoma is termed to be a lump that develops under the skin. It rather forms because of fat cells overgrowing. According to medical experts, lipomas are stated to be benign tumors, meaning non-cancerous growths. Although not dangerous to life, some might cause intense pain, various types of unwanted symptoms or complications. Hence, some people may prefer to have it removed permanently. A few tend to have concerns on its cosmetic appearance.

Its Formation

It is quite natural for lipomas to develop just about anywhere on the human body. This is on those areas where there are present fat cells. However, the common areas of appearance are the chest, shoulders, neck, trunk, armpits and thighs. In rare cases, they might develop in internal organs, muscles or even bones! If you find them developing in any part of the body of feel pain inside, you should consider Lipoma Removal London.


Generally, they are soft and when pressed down tend to move a bit under the skin. They grow over months or years very slowly and reach about 2 to 3 centimeters in size. Giant lipomas may develop growing over 10 cm in size. This does appear quite ugly and needs to be removed at the earliest. It should be done medically and only by qualified doctors with sufficient exposure on the subject.


Doctors are still to understand fully the reasons for the development of a lipoma. A few people are found to inherit from their parents a faulty gene that could cause one or several lipomas. It is something rare and called ‘familial multiple lipomatosis’. It even develops frequently in those suffering from specific medical conditions like Cowden’s syndrome, Gardner’s syndrome, Adiposis dolorosa and Madelung’s disease. Some lipomas could result from injuries causing substantial impact upon the affected area.

Know the Symptoms

If you feel an oval shaped, soft lump developing right beneath the skin, then it is likely to be a lipoma. Usually, they are painless unless it affects the organs, joints, blood vessels or nerves. They might not cause any other symptoms in a few cases. The person developing a lipoma occurring deep within the skin might not feel or view it. But, deep lipoma is likely to place pressure upon the nerves or internal organs as well as cause related symptoms.

Implications on Health

These are regarded to be benign masses comprising of fat cells. But medical experts are of the opinion that may have the potentiality to become cancerous. Such types are referred to as ‘lipo sarcoma’. Several experts conclude that lipomas do not contribute to liposarcoma development. However, it is a different tumor type that needs immediate medical attention. Often, doctors might consider liposarcomas to be lipomas mistakenly. Others state that lipomas become cancerous only in extremely rare cases.

What are the Risks Involved?

Developing a lipoma is quite common among both men and women of all ages. About 1% of people tend to develop it. Those with someone in their family having single or multiple lipomas are likely to have higher risks to develop this particular condition. Those within the age of 40 to 60 are considered to face risks of its development. There are other risk factors to consider like high cholesterol, obesity, liver disease, diabetes and glucose intolerance.

When Should you Visit a Doctor?

If you find one or more lumps appearing on your body or notice changes in the lipoma, then you should visit the doctor immediately. Such changes may involve the following:

  • Lipoma size increasing very fast.
  • Becoming hot or red in color.
  • Intense pain felt most of the time.
  • Visible changes noticed in overlying skin.
  • Converted into immovable or hard lump.


Generally, lipomas diagnosed by carrying out a simple, but thorough physical examination of the affected area. The doctor inspects the lump and feels it. In case the lipoma is found to be painful or large, then the doctor could order several tests to determine if the developed formation is cancerous or not. Diagnosing the issue should be done immediately and not postponed to a later date to avoid unwanted complications and sleepless nights.

What are the Recommended Tests?

To find out if the developed lipomas are cancerous or not, doctors recommended their patients to undergo different types of tests. It includes CT scan, MRI scan, Ultrasonography scan. Biopsy may also be conducted if the doctor desires to take out a small cell sample from the lump. Then, this tissue is examined under the microscope to determine signs of cancer. Findings from the test are what determine the medications and next effective steps to be taken.


Things to Know About the Skin Tag Removal London

Skin tags are little, non-cancerous growths that form when skin gets rubbed against itself. These skin conditions do not require treatment. But when the appearance bothers you, then you can consult with the doctor for undergoing the removal process.

About the Skin Tags

The acrochordons or skin tags are little and noncancerous growth which tends to be the same as the skin colour. It looks like a skin tissue culture that extends out from a small stem. These are darker sometimes and look like a raised mole. The skin tags are usually between 1-5mm. these are very common and it has been found in research that most adults will have one skin tag at least in their lifetime. If you feel that it is bothering you and you want Skin Tag Removal London, then get in touch with the dermatologist.

How does it affect the body?

Skin tags are harmless and do not cause any harm to one’s health. But can be unpleasant if these appear on the neck or face and make a person conscious. It is when an individual seeks consultation with the dermatologist for Skin Tag Removal London. Thus, the removal process by an experienced health care professional indeed helps in getting rid of the skin tag.

There are occasions when development seems like the skin tag might be something else, it might look like a skin disease, wart, or skin cancer. Thus, you must consult with a dermatologist to get a precise diagnosis.

Why do skin tags occur?

It happens when the body generates extra cells on the top layer of the skin. The skin tags usually form in the fold of the skin and in such areas where usual movement leads to the rubbing of the skin against itself. It can grow in the following areas:

  • Eyelids
  • Armpits
  • Thighs
  • Neck
  • Genitals
  • Below the breasts

Chances of Developing Skin Tags

The chance of developing skin tags usually increases with one’s age. There is a high chance of developing if someone has

  • Family history of skin tags
  • Health issues like obesity, diabetes, and skin disorder
  • Experience high growth factors that can happen when someone is expecting.


After conducting a physical examination, the dermatologist diagnoses skin tags. The doctor will ask about the history of your skin if you have any and will pay careful attention to the issue of why the skin has raised and has turned into skin tags. A rapid examination helps in ruling out growth that might seems like skin tags.

Conditions that look like skin tags

The conditions include that look like skin tags are as follows:

  • Warts including the genital warts
  • Moles
  • Skin cancer
  • Skin issues like seborrheic keratosis cause spots which are similar to warts.

No test is required for diagnosing the skin tag. If the dermatologist finds something else, the tissue will be collected and will be sent for biopsy.

When to consider removal?

Just like Facial Cyst Removal requires the supervision of an experienced dermatologist and so is skin tag removal. You might consider the removal and talk with your dermatologist if you find that the skin tag is irritating you and bleeding and if the appearance is bothering you.

The skin tag does not cause any harm, thus skin tag might not require any treatment. In fact, the skin tag mostly does not require any treatment and it falls off on its own.

How removal is done?

There are several procedures for skin tag removal. The treatment is done in the clinic of the dermatologist usually and might include:

  • A sharp instrument like a scalpel to cut or shave the skin tag.
  • Liquid nitrogen is used for freezing it
  • Heat is used for burning off or to stop the bleeding.

The removal process might cause mild discomfort and after the procedure is done, the doctor recommends medication to make you feel as comfortable as possible.


The dermatologist is the ultimate and most qualified and experienced professional for removing the skin tag. The dermatologists have adequate skills for treating skin issues that are delicate like skin tags on the eyelids. It is the dermatologist who can correctly diagnose developments that are not skin tags. So seek consultation before you come to a conclusion that it needs to get removed.


Connect with Pediatric Dermatology London for Treating Moles

A dermatologist is usually the go-to person for adults if any skin issues crop up. But you must also remember that skin problems can occur among kids and adolescents too and that needs the attention of the dermatologist. It is then that you need to make an appointment with a pediatric dermatologist for evaluating the skin issue.

About Pediatric Dermatologist London

A pediatric dermatologist is one who possesses in-depth knowledge and experience in treating skin issues that affect both adolescents and children. It is when you find any skin issue with your child, make sure to take the child to the department of Pediatric Dermatology London and address the issue at the earliest. Our London Pediatric dermatologists are experienced doctors and treat issues like skin infections, acne, moles, psoriasis, eczema, warts, and blemishes. There can be other reasons also when one needs to take the child to the pediatric dermatologist.

Things to Expect

When you find that your child is having any skin problems, make sure to take the child to the Pediatric Dermatology London department and seek consultation with an experienced dermatologist. You must carry all medical reports. The pediatric dermatologist must understand the medical history of the child well before beginning with the diagnosis and prescribing medicine. The dermatologist will do a physical check-up and after the examination is done, based on the result the doctor will prescribe medicine and further treatment. When you find moles on the skin of your child, before you take your child you must have a clear understanding.

About Moles

These are skin growths that occur when pigment cells in the skin develop as clusters instead of spreading out across the skin. These are very common. It is seen that many children are born with moles. A child gets right after one year of birth and it becomes more as the age increases.

Moles do not cause any harm and are not cancerous. Though some moles can become malignant; among adolescents and children, the risk is very low.

Symptoms of Moles

Moles are generally brown, black, blue, or pink. It can be small, flat, smooth, and can be hairy, or raised. Moles are round in shape or can be oval also and symmetrical. They usually develop on the neck, face, head, back, legs and arms. Some kids may have a few moles on the body while others may have more.

When to Seek Consultation?

It is recommended to visit a pediatric dermatologist when you find that the mole of your child is growing quickly. You should also visit the doctor if the child experience one or more than one issue like:

  • Severe itching
  • If the child starts to bleed and a crust is developed
  • If the mole changes colour, becomes darker, looks crooked, or comes with an uneven border.
  • When the moles become raised

Thus, when any of the situations develop, you must not neglect and take your child to the pediatric dermatologist and get treatment.


When you take your child to the Mole Removal Clinic London, after consulting with the doctor you will find that the doctor will not recommend the removal either for a cosmetic or medical reason. It is because moles in children do not turn into cancer.

Moreover, the removal procedure can be painful for the children as it involves a high risk of scarring. If it is necessary to get removed, the doctor usually recommends waiting till the child attains the teenage years. During this period, the child can also handle the process better and can also decide whether to get it removed or not.

Moles prevention, risk, and causes

Maintaining sun safety during childhood is imperative as it helps in preventing sunburn and moles development. Make sure to apply sunscreen on the skin of your child, and develop the habit of making your child wear sunglass, hats, and protective clothing.

Moles are genetic and if you have them, then your child will also develop. Children having lighter skin tone have several moles than those having dark skin tone. Long hours of exposure to the sun enhance the possibility of developing moles. It happens particularly during the teenage years and childhood when the exposure to the sun happens most. There is nothing to worry about moles unless it becomes a concern.


Consult with the Best Dermatologist London for removing Lipoma

A Lipoma is a fatty lump that is usually slow growing and frequently situated between the underlying muscle layer and the skin. It is not tender usually and moves by applying slight finger pressure. This is detected mostly in middle age; some individuals have beyond one. A lipoma is not carcinogenic and is not at all harmless. It does not require any treatment but if you find that lipoma is bothering you, growing, or painful, then you might get it removed.


It is a skin issue that can occur in any part of the body. The lipomas commonly occur in the shoulders, neck, back, arms, abdomen, and thighs. These can also move with gentle pressure using a finger. Lipomas are less than 5cms in diameter but can grow. It can be sometimes painful when it grows and put pressure on the adjacent nerves or if it contains several blood vessels. Thus, you need to get in touch with the Best Dermatologist London for consultation.

When to visit the doctor?

A lipoma is a rare serious medical issue, it is a fatty tumor. But when you notice any swelling or lump on any part of your body, make sure to get it checked by the Best Dermatologist London at the earliest. There is no particular reason for its development but it can be hereditary. Thus, the genetic factor plays a significant role in the development. Though lipoma can develop at any age it is most common in the age group between 40-60years.


For detecting Lipoma, the doctor might perform a physical examination. Tissue is collected for biopsy. MRI, X-Ray, or CT scan is recommended if the doctor finds that the lipoma is large with unusual features or seems to be quite deep rather than fatty. There is a negligible chance that a lump resembling lipoma might be cancerous.

Types of lipomas

Lipomas are made up of fat and some also contain other tissues and blood vessels. There are different types of lipomas and are as follows:

  • Angiolipoma: It contains blood vessels and blood and is often painful.
  • Conventional: It is the most common type and comprises white blood cells.
  • Fibro lipoma: This lipoma contains fibrous tissue and fat.
  • Hibernoma: It contains brown fat. These fat cells produce heat and help in regulating the body temperature.
  • Myelolipoma: It contains tissue and fat which produce blood cells.
  • Spindle cells: These lipomas have fat cells which are longer than they are broader.
  • Pleomorphic: It contains fat cells of different shapes and sizes.


Mostly, lipomas do not require any treatment and if you find that it is troubling, get in touch with the dermatologist and the doctor will inform you about the Lipoma Removal Cost if the doctor finds that it needs to be removed surgically. The removal process is completely safe as well as effective and one can go home on the very day after the surgery is done.

Liposuction is another alternative to lipoma surgery and the doctor also recommends this process to the patients. For removing the fatty tissue from the growth, the doctor makes use of a thin and long needle.

Can it be prevented?

This is a question that looms large on the mind of many people. It is a hereditary disease that is passed down and cannot be prevented. One can lower the risk of the development of Madelung’s disease, an illness that causes lipoma to grow by restricting the alcohol intake amount.

Many people live with lipomas and hardly notice it and do not even need treatment. When the doctor finds it necessary to get removed, then the surgery is done. After the treatment is done, it hardly recurs but another one might grow in a different area on the body.

Final words

When you notice a knot or lump under the skin, get in touch with a doctor at the earliest. It is not something to be neglected. It is imperative to get examined and rule out serious issues like liposarcoma, a kind of cancer. Being a novice individual, it is not possible for you to detect, only an experienced and skilled doctor can do it. If it is to be removed, it can be done in the OPD.


Immediate Consultation with A Dermatologist for Genital Wart Removal

Soft growth which appears on the genital is known as genital warts. It can cause discomfort, pain & itching. It is one of the common sexually transmitted infections. The wart is formed by the low-risk strains of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). Genital warts affect moist tissue in the genital area.

Warts look like cauliflower; they are like small, flesh-colored bumps. In most cases, warts are too small that they are not visible at all. Some strains of Human Papilloma Virus causes genital wart while the other strains cause cancer.

Signs and Symptoms of Genital Wart

Among the women, genital wart grows on the vagina walls, vulva, the area between the anus & external genitals, the anal canal & the cervix. In men, genital wart grows on the tip of the penis, anus, or scrotum.

A genital wart can also grow in the mouth or throat of an individual who had oral sex with an infected person. The symptoms & signs include the following:

  • Small skin-colored pink or brown swelling in the genital area.
  • A cauliflower-like shape triggered by many warts close together.
  • Discomfort or itching in the genital area
  • Bleeding during intercourse

Genital warts are so small that it is hardly visible. It is imperative to seek consultation with the doctor when an individual develops warts or bumps in the genital area.

Genital warts always spread through sexual contact. Warts do not have to be visible for spreading the infection to the sexual partner.

Risk factors

Sexually active people get infected with genital warts at some time and it is the doctor who determines whether Genital Wart Removal is necessary. Here are the factors that increase the risk of getting infected includes:

  • Indulging in unprotected sex with multiple sex partner
  • Previous history of having sexually transmitted diseases
  • Having sex with someone whose sexual history is unknown.
  • Sexually active at a younger age.
  • Compromised immune system from HIV or from taking organ transplant drug.

Diagnosis of genital warts is done through physical examination. At times conducting a biopsy becomes necessary.


Visible genital warts go away with time but HPV can linger on the skin cells. It means that a person will have several outbreaks in their entire life. Thus, managing the symptoms is necessary as you want to evade spreading the virus to others.

Genital wart requires the supervision of an expert doctor and cannot be treated using over-the-counter medication. The wart also returns after the treatment is done but no particular treatment for the virus so far.

All about the surgery

If the visible wart does not go with time, minor surgery might be required for Genital Wart Removal. The doctor can use any of the below-mentioned surgical options and which include:

  • Cryotherapy that is freezing using liquid nitrogen. The process works by forming blisters around the wart. As the skin heals, the lesions slough off & allowing new skin to appear.
  • Electrocautery: electric current is used for burning warts. Some kind of pain and swelling might be experienced by the person undergoing the treatment.
  • Surgical excision: Doctor just like Private Mole Removal makes use of a special tool for cutting warts. General anesthesia or local anesthesia is applied for the treatment & you might experience pain afterward.
  • Laser treatment: In this form of treatment intense beam of light is used. It is expensive & is only reserved for extensive treatment of warts. The side effect of this type of surgery is pain & scarring.

When to seek consultation

When you understand some kind of growth in the genital area, make sure to talk with the doctor. The doctor is the ultimate option to determine if you have a genital wart and what will be the appropriate treatment option for you.

After seeking consultation with your doctor, it is necessary that you disclose everything to your sexual partner. It might be a difficult task for you but when you talk openly with your partner about the condition, you will subsequently protect your partner from getting infected with HPV & genital warts.

Genital wart is a common sexual infection & is treatable. Warts disappear with time but treatment is crucial to prevent the return of warts & possible complications. Schedule a prior appointment with the doctor.


All You Need To Know About Mole Removal by the Dermatologist London

It is absolutely normal to have a few moles on the body. Mostly, the moles are harmless. Though, there is a risk of cancer associated with some moles. Any moles which are of concern must be removed by the dermatologist. An examination is conducted by the dermatologist to assess the moles and whether removal is required or not.

A Necessity for Mole Removal

It is difficult for common people to understand when the mole on the body is an indication of cancerous growth. Thus, it is important that you must seek consultation with a Dermatologist in London if you find that the mole is bothering you.

The mole needs to be removed when the dermatologist spot any cancer growth. A change in the mole appearance is a warning of cancer development. The change can occur in the size, shape, color, and texture of the mole. The end result is that if there is any suspicious change, then it must be inspected by a dermatologist. Here are the following things to consider when mole removal is necessary:

  • When the mole is asymmetrical
  • The mole has an irregular border
  • The mole does not have consistent color throughout
  • When the size of the mole is 6mm or more
  • When the complete appearance of the mole has changed.

Thus, when you experience any of the above-mentioned things, make sure to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist for skin-cancer screening. The dermatologist will perform a biopsy if the doctor finds anything suspicious to find out if a cancer cell is present. Even if the doctor does not find any indication of cancer, then also the doctor will recommend removing the moles as a preventive measure.

The removal process

The removal process is a simple one and is an outpatient procedure. It is a simple surgery that is done by a Dermatologist in London and the patient can return home on the same day after the Mole Removal London is done.

Before carrying out the process, the dermatologist numbs the area surrounding the mole. The dermatologist will choose any one of the two ways listed below for removing the mole:

  • Surgical excision: the doctor will first numb the particular area. The dermatologist will use a sharp circular blade to cut the mole out as well as some healthy skin around the mole. The doctor will stitch the mole after the removal is done.
  • Surgical shave: This method is performed on the small size mole. After local anesthesia is done, the doctor will use a small blade for shaving the mole & also some tissue beneath the mole. In this method of mole removal stitches are not required.

It is on the dermatologist to determine if at all removal is necessary but removal is a much better option.

Is there any risk?

After the mole is removed, it leaves a scar. The greatest risk associated with mole removal is that the area can get infected. Make sure that you follow the instruction of the dermatologist till the wound heals completely. All you need to do is to keep the area clean, covered & moist.

Sometimes the area where the mole has been removed bleeds even after going back home and it happens only to those people who take blood thinner medicine. Just put gentle pressure on the area using a clean gauge for about 20mins and it will stop. But if you find that it is still bleeding, then it needs immediate attention from the doctor.

A normal mole usually does not come back after the mole is removed but if the mole has cancer cells, then there is a chance of recurring. The cells can also spread if appropriate treatment is not done. You pay close attention to the area and inform your doctor at once if you spot any change.

Keep a check on your body

Make sure to regularly scrutinize your body & pay attention when you find that a new mole has developed. If you already have a mole that starts exhibiting some symptoms like oozing of fluid, itching, bleeding, hardening, or sudden growth, then schedule an appointment with a dermatologist to get tested if it is a matter of grave concern.
When you consult a doctor, you can also have peace of mind that you are safe.


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