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Say Goodbye to Lipomas: How Lipoma Surgery Can Help You

Say goodbye to lipomas with Lipoma Surgery!  

Learn all you need to know about the removal procedure, risks, and aftercare for successful lipoma removal. 

Are you dealing with an unsightly and uncomfortable Lipoma?  

Then Lipoma Surgery may be the answer.  

This procedure removes the fatty lumps from beneath the surface of your skin, giving you a smooth complexion free from irritation or discomfort.  

In this piece, we’ll take a look at what lipoma surgery involves, its potential gains and the risks that come with it so you can decide if it’s an appropriate option for you.  

So if you’re considering having lipoma surgery but aren’t sure where to start – read on. 

What is a Lipoma? 

Definition of a Lipoma: 

A lipoma is an accumulation of fat cells that form into a soft lump beneath the skin’s surface. These lumps, ranging from minuscule to sizeable, may feel spongy or rubbery when touched. 

The source of lipomas is uncertain, though they may be due to heredity-linked genetic variations passed on through successive generations. Additionally, some people with certain medical conditions, such as Gardner’s syndrome or Madelung’s disease, have an increased risk of developing multiple lipomas throughout their lifetime. 

Removing these lumps can prevent the growth of existing lipomas or stop new ones from forming after surgery. 

Generally speaking, lipomas do not cause any pain or discomfort unless they become large enough to press against nearby nerves or organs. However, they may be visible through the skin as raised bumps that move slightly when touched due to their fatty composition underneath the surface layer of skin tissue. 

Lipomas are common benign skin tumours that can often be removed through surgery. Although this procedure carries a small risk and potential complications, it may offer a more permanent solution for those seeking relief from their lipoma symptoms. Let’s take a closer look at what to expect when undergoing lipoma surgery. 

Overview of the Procedure: 

Lipoma surgery typically involves making an incision over the area where the lipoma is situated. Once the lipoma is in view, your doctor may make a series of incisions or even use specialised tools such as endoscopes and ultrasound probes for greater accuracy. Once exposed, your surgeon will carefully remove all visible parts of the lipoma. Afterwards, they will close up any incisions with sutures (stitches). 

The advantages of surgically removing a lipoma include  

  • relief from the pain caused by pressure on nerves,  
  • reducing discomfort due to their size,  
  • halting further growth and improving appearance.  

Surgery for lipoma may be a worthwhile option to address the skin problem, but it is essential to consider other advantages of this procedure before deciding. 

Key Takeaway:  The key takeaway from this is that lipoma surgery can provide relief from pain, reduce discomfort, halt further growth, and improve appearance while also eliminating any worries about malignancy. 

Benefits of Lipoma Surgery 

The main benefit of lipoma surgery is improved appearance.  

Lipoma surgery can relieve pain and discomfort caused by large or multiple lipomas.  

It is a minimally invasive procedure that involves removing the fatty tissue of the lipoma without damaging surrounding tissues. The process typically lasts less than sixty minutes, and people who undergo it can generally go home on the same day with minimal post-operative downtime. 

Once healed, the procedure’s minimal invasiveness makes it so that no noticeable scars remain on the skin. However, some redness may be present around the incision. Keep the wound clean and dry for optimal results during the recovery period. 

Key Takeaway: Lipoma surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that can help improve the appearance and reduce discomfort, with minimal scarring and recovery time. 

Risks of Lipoma Surgery 

Lipoma excision is a commonly used technique for extracting benign growths made up of fatty cells. While the risks associated with this type of surgery are generally low, it’s essential to understand them before undergoing any surgical procedure. 


As with any surgical procedure, there is always a risk of infection after lipoma surgery. Your dermatologist may suggest antibiotics to help lower the risk of infection.  


Bleeding can occur during or after lipoma surgery due to trauma caused by the incision or tissue removal from the tumour site. Your doctor will likely use stitches and pressure dressings to stop bleeding during surgery, but you may require additional medical attention if excessive bleeding persists. 


Scarring is another potential side effect associated with lipoma surgery, as the surgeon must make an incision to access and remove the tumour from beneath your skin’s surface. The size and intensity of scarring can differ depending upon the pre-operative tumour magnitude and your specialist’s proficiency during their activity. However, if you follow post-operative instructions, most scars tend to fade over time, leaving little evidence behind once healed. 

In rare cases, nerve damage can occur during lipoma surgeries due to improper handling or cutting too close when removing tumours near nerves in delicate areas such as arms or legs. This typically only happens when inexperienced surgeons attempt complex procedures requiring specialised training. If nerve damage occurs, you may need physical therapy, depending on the damage sustained.  

Key Takeaway: Lipoma surgery is a common and safe procedure and carries minimal risk when performed by a competent surgeon. 


Lipoma surgery is a safe and effective way to remove lipomas with minimal scarring.  

It can provide relief from the symptoms associated with lipomas, such as pain or discomfort. Though risks are associated with any medical procedure, consulting with your dermatologist will guarantee you get the best results.  

If you think that lipoma surgery may be right for you, speak to our dermatologist today about how surgery could help improve your quality of life. 

Are you looking for a safe and effective solution to lipoma surgery? Look no further than the London Dermatology Clinic. Our experienced surgeons specialise in providing top-notch care with minimal scarring, fast healing times, and long-lasting results. We are committed to helping you feel comfortable during your procedure and confident about the outcome of your treatment. Contact us today to learn more about our specialised services! 

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