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Suffering from allergies? Not sure, about how to deal with it? Come to London Dermatology Clinic to get your skin allergy problem treated in the best way.
Allergies come in contact with your body by means of foreign substances such as pollen/bee venom/pet dander. Allergens are mostly found in drinks, environment or food. Different skin allergies are termed as dermatitis. The areas which are inflamed result in severe itchiness, causing sore feet and legs as these areas directly come in contact with allergens or irritants that cause dermatitis.

Signs and Symptoms of Allergies

When a person comes in contact with an allergen, then allergic reaction is not immediate. The immune system reacts to allergens and causes inflammation and irritation in skin. Symptoms and signs of allergies mainly depend on type of allergen. It may happen that allergic reactions occur in skin, gut, airways, sinuses, nasal passages and eyes.
The signs and symptoms of skin allergies may vary on individual basis for each patient. Allergies can develop at any age, but several individuals can also outgrow allergies over time. Environment plays a major role in development of allergies, but it involves a greater risk of developing different types of allergic conditions, if in case the patient has family history of allergies.

Allergies caused due to pollen/dust may usually have following symptoms:

  • Itchy eyes/nose
  • Watery/swollen eyes
  • Cough
  • Runny/Blocked nose

Risk Factors

Risk factor is something which raises the risk of developing a disease or condition. For instance, smoking is a real risk factor for a person suffering from lung disease. People are more likely to develop allergic rhinitis, if they have family history of allergies. People suffering from asthma/fever are at high risk of developing allergies of any type including dermatitis problem.

Below are some risk factors associated with allergies:

  • Having asthma
  • Family history of asthma
  • Family history of allergies
  • Not getting adequate exposure to sunlight
  • Chemicals used in water purification


The problem of allergies happens because of allergens/irritants. Certain substances such as soaps, solvents and detergents can strip off natural oils from the skin, leaving it undefended from harmful effects. Allergens are environmental substances to which a person’s immune system reacts to. Some types of allergens mainly include cosmetics, perfumes, lotions and rubber.


People suffering from allergies should take a trip to professional dermatologist to get treatment for their allergy problems. This will help them to find out the real cause of allergy or dermatitis. Patch and allergy testing is carried out in skin clinic to find out what the real cause of reaction is.

Allergy Treatment Facts

  1. Avoidance is the best way to prevent allergies
  2. There are different easy and effective cleaning methods/techniques that can significantly decrease allergy problems to a great extent.
  3. By maintaining air quality/climate of your home, you can remain healthy, whilst avoiding allergies.
  4. If have pet in your house, then it is advisable to take appropriate measures to keep the environment around your house neat and clean.

We treat every type of allergy problem at our clinic at rock bottom rates. Our professional doctors diagnose and accordingly give treatment to your allergy problem. Besides this, they will carry out various procedures to know the root cause of allergy and how it should be treated to give you complete relief from the problem. Thus, you can pin your trust on us to get complete relief from your allergy problems.


Childrens Dermatology

Children’s dermatology

If skin problems are affecting you child, then then our Harley Street London Dermatology Clinics are here to help you. We know that an unhappy and cranky child can give parents sleepless nights.
All our consultants are trained in pediatric dermatology and provide excellent treatment for your child’s skin disease. Now there is no need for your child to suffer due to skin problems, we are here to improve their life and solve your problems. Many conditions are found in children and not in adults. Hence, treatments also vary depending on the age of your child, as they need to be handled with care.
The most common skin problems that children face are:

  • Acne
  • Acute and chronic skin eruptions
  • Bacterial and viral skin infections
  • Burns
  • Birth marks
  • Eczema
  • Genetic skin conditions like albinism, ichthyosis
  • Hair loss
  • Vascular malformations
  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)
  • Nevi (moles)
  • Molluscum Psoriasis
  • Scabies
  • Tinea capitis and tinea corporis (ringworm)
  • Vascular birthmarks and malformations
  • Pigmentary disorders like vitiligo
  • Warts
  • Wounds

Eczema Is a Common Ailment in children
Eczema or [A and D] is the most condition seen in children. It occurs in nearly one in five children. If in such condition, they swim in chlorinated pools, it might irritate their skin more. But if certain precautions are taken, their eczema should be fine.

Acne in children
Acne is a common disorder seen in kids and teenagers nearing puberty. It is a disorder of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. In acne, sebaceous glands get clogged leading to pimples and cysts mostly on face, chest, upper back, shoulder, neck. Our dermatologist will determine the treatment based on your child’s age, overall health, severity of acne, child’s tolerance for medications.

Scabies in children
Scabies is commonly prevalent in children and is caused by skin infestation of tiny mites called Sarcoptes scabiei. These mites burrow in top layer of skin and lay their eggs causing itchy bumps and blisters. A child with scabies becomes extremely cranky as it causes lot of skin irritation. Infants and children can develop the rash on the scalp, palms, and soles of feet.

Warts in children
This is very common in children and almost affects 20% of children. Girls get more warts as compared to boys. Warts are contagious but not harmful. Warts embarrass children especially if they are on the soles of their feet. Hence, it is parent’s responsibility to prevent them and if already present then give proper medications.

Moles in children
Most moles in children are not that serious and mostly present due to cosmetic allergies. However, they can undergo changes to become malignant.

Ringworm has nothing to do with worms, but caused by tinea fungi called dermatophytes. The fungus infests child’s skin and spreads out in rings. The centre of ring may clear up and new ring of infection develops at corner of old ring.

Tests to be done:
Our doctors might suggest various examinations, biopsies and blood testing to confirm the severity of disease. In some cases, dermatologist might recommend skin scrape or biopsy that can be done on the same day.

If our dermatologist feels the necessity of surgery, it might be take place on same day or can be scheduled. Our dermatologist will discuss whether a local or general anesthesia is best option. Children undergoing surgeries have the option to watch videos or listen to music so that they can be as comfortable and secure as possible.
Other dermatology services: Apart from treatments and surgeries, we also provide other services like:

  • Nerve relaxants for excessive perspiration
  • Pulsed dye laser therapy

Hence, with many treatments available to treat skin diseases, its parent’s responsibility to be more aware and free your child from discomfort caused by it.

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Hair Loss Treatment For Hair London

Suffering from hair loss? Know about the causes and treatments for Hair

What is Alopecia?
Most people normally lose about 50-100 hair per day. Are you losing more than that? Is your scalp visible even though you are young? People tend to lose hair as they age, which is normal. However, if you see hair thinning even while you are young, that is something you should worry about.
Hair loss also known as Alopecia has possible causes. Alopecia can be divided into diffuse and localized alopecia and into scarring and non-scarring alopecia. We will discuss the history of your hair loss, examine your scalp to judge the pattern of the hair loss and suggest treatment consequently

Generalized/diffuse alopecia
Most common cause of this hair loss is age related thinning of scalp hair. It can also be due to deficiencies of iron or zinc, thyroid gland disorders, recent illness or pregnancy.

Localized/Patchy alopecia
Localized alopecia means patchy hair loss. The commonest cause of this is alopecia areata, which is autoimmune, meaning that the body’s own immune cells attack the hair follicles. Hair loss tends to be complete in affected areas, but patchy with normal hair in between.


1. Hormonal factors
This is the most common cause of hair loss. In genetically susceptible people, sex hormones can trigger hair loss or hair thinning which can begin even in puberty. Hormonal changes due to pregnancy, childbirth, using birth control pills or menopause can also lead to hair loss.

2. Hereditary factor
The most common cause of hair loss is a hereditary condition called male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness.

3. Medical conditions
A variety of medical conditions can cause hair loss, including thyroid problems, alopecia areata (autoimmune disease), scalp infections and skin infections.

4. Medications: drugs used to treat can cause hair loss

  • Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • Depression
  • Heart problems
  • High blood pressure

5. A physical or emotional shock:
Many people experience a general thinning of hair after a physical or emotional shock.

6. Hair-pulling disorder:
This mental illness causes people to have a tempting urge to pull out their hair, whether it is from the scalp, their eyebrows or other areas of the body.

7. Certain hairstyles:
Traction hair loss can occur if the hair is pulled too tightly into hairstyles.

Hair Loss Treatments

For some types of hair loss treatment can resume hair growth, while in other situations treatments can hide hair loss.

  • Medication

Medications both topical and internal can be used to prevent hair loss and at time cause hair regeneration. Our hair dermatologists are highly experienced in prescribing such medications should you be a candidate for this type of therapy.

  • Surgery

Hair transplants: This type of procedure removes tiny plugs of skin containing a few hairs from the back or sides of your scalp. The plugs are then implanted into the bald sections of your scalp.

    • Scalp reduction:
      This procedure surgically removes some of the bald skin on your head. After hairless scalp treatment, the space is closed with hair-covered scale
    • A few tips to prevent hair loss that can be followed at home include: following a balanced diet, avoiding tight hairstyles, and avoiding twisting or pulling your hair.
      At our London Dermatology Clinics, you will get varied treatment options available to reduce hair fall or get a hair transplant done at a reasonable cost and consult the best dermatologist for hair loss.

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What is Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a disease often causing the loss of skin colour, extent and rate being unpredictable. At London Dermatology Clinics we see patients affected by vitiligo in many different areas inlcuding large parts of the body, inside mouth and even eyes. Normally, the colour of your hair, skin and eyes are determined by melanin. In vitiligo, cells that produce melanin (melanocytes) stop functioning or die. Common areas for vitiligo to appear include the eyes and nose, within body folds such as under the arms and in the groin as well as the hands and face. Even hair can be effected by vitiligo and completely lose its colour.

Vitiligo affects all races and people of all skin types, at London Dermatology Clinics we find vitiligo to be more visible in our patients with a darker skin tone. Although not life threatening or contagious, vitiligo can often make the sufferer lose self confidence and esteem sometimes leading to depression. Due to the psychological effect vitiligo has on people the dermatologists at London Dermatology Clinics will aim to clear your vitiligo as fast as possible allowing you to get on with your life.

Vitiligo can start at any age, but usually occurs before 20, and it is for this reason that London Dermatology Clinics sees all patients from all age groups including paediatric patients. It is difficult to predict how your disease will progress. If left untreated it is rare for the skin gets its colour back. At London Dermatology Clinics we understand that vitiligo can be a cause of your stress. Our dermatologists are highly experienced in this area of dermatology and will take a results based approach to treating your vitiligo. Please call us today to make an appointment a private dermatologist at our Harley Street dermatology clinic.

Symptoms of vitiligo

Major symptoms of vitiligo are as given below :
  • Skin Discolouration
  • Premature whitening or greying of the hair on your scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows or beard
  • Loss of colour in the tissues (mucous membranes) that line the inside of your mouth and nose
  • Loss of or change in colour of the retina of the eyeball
  • Discoloured patches around the armpits, navel, genitals and rectum
Depending on the type of vitiligo you have, the discoloured patches may cover:
  • Almost all body parts
  • Only one side your body
  • One or only a few areas of your body

Causes of vitiligo

Vitiligo occurs when melanin-forming cells die or stop producing melanin. There are a number of reasons why this happens including:
  • A disorder or autoimmune disease in which your immune system attacks and destroys the melanocytes in the skin
  • Family history (heredity)
  • A trigger event, such as sunburn, stress or exposure to industrial chemicals


Although are currently no cures for vitiligo, London Dermatology Clinics offer a wide range of treatment options that can help your symptoms drastically improving the appearance of your skin. Our experienced dermatologists can prescribe topical corticosteroids, creams, ointments as well as internal medication to help restore your skin pigmentation. London Dermatology Clinics also recommend using sunscreen to avoid sunburns. Depending on the severity of your condition, our dermatologists will tailor your treatment plan with a results orientated attitude.

If you are suffering with vitiligo and are seeking treatment, call London Dermatology Clinics now to book a consultation with one of our experienced dermatologists and get your treatment plan started today.

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Treat your Rosacea at our Harley Street Clinic – Dermatologist Consultation £169

Rosacea affects around 10% of people in the UK. Symptoms can appear as early as 20 years old however it occurs more commonly in 30-50 year olds.  At our London Dermatology Clinics we understand that the redness and facial flushing can be a major source of discomfort and embarrassment for many sufferers and for this reason we adopt a results based approach in treating rosacea. We have highly experienced dermatologists who specialize in the treatment of rosacea. Call our clinic on 0207 030 3370 to see one of our experts today.

My GP told me that my rosacea was not serious enough to refer me to an NHS dermatologist, for this reason I visited Harley Street Healthcare’s London Dermatology Clinics. Dr Marina gave me a step by step treatment plan which resolved my symptoms of flushing as well as reducing the redness. I am very happy with the results and have not had a flare since thanks to Harley Street Healthcare

What is Rosacea and treatment options available

Have you heard of Rosacea? Not sure what exactly is rosacea? We, at Harley Street Healthcare’s London Dermatology Clinics will guide you to identify and treat all your skin related problems.

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is very common disorder of the facial skin and over 6 million people in the UK are affected by it without actually knowing deeply about it. According to a survey, 78% of sufferers are not even aware of this condition or how to recognize it as it is very poorly understood. Due to its red-faced, acne-like effects on face, it can cause significant psychological, social and occupational problems, if left untreated.


The cause of rosacea is still unknown, but it could be due to combination of hereditary and environmental factors. It is important to understand what causes this condition to properly treat it at the London dermatology clinic. Rosacea is a condition that flares up when facial flushing is triggered. Anything that causes blushing including sunlight, wind, cold, food triggers, emotional stress and alcohol can contribute to a recurrence of the redness and pimples common in sufferers. Some medications including topical steroids, stimulants and even some antibiotics can trigger a flare up.

Harley Street Healthcare – London dermatology clinics tip:  People suffering from Rosacea should keep a journal to discover what their individual triggers for the condition may be.

Symptoms of Rosacea

The cause of Rosacea is still unknown and hence there is no cure as such. We offer only treatments to reduce the symptoms like

1. Facial redness : Rosacea usually causes a constant redness in the central portion of your face.

2. Swollen red bumps : Many people who have rosacea also develop bumps on their face that resemble acne and may contain pus.

3. Eye problems : About half of the people who have rosacea also experience eye dryness, irritation and swollen, reddened eyelids.

4. Enlarged nose : Sometimes rosacea can thicken the skin on the nose, causing the nose to appear bulbous.

Associated Risk Factors

Risk factors for developing this condition include having a family history of the problem, Women develop this condition three times more than men do and the typical age of onset seen at the London dermatology clinics is between 30 and 40 years of age.


If rosacea is suspected,  visit our London Dermatology Clinics and see one of our expert dermatologists who specialize in the treatment of rosacea.  Our dermatologists offer varied range of treatments depending on the severity of disease.

1. Topical treatments

Mostly people suffering from rosacea have a very sensitive skin that stings easily following use of topical applications. Use of soaps, exfoliants, perfumes, face washes, astringents, sunscreen etc can worsen the reddening further. Washing face with luke warm water and using certain moisturizers is a good option. Avoid scrubbing your face or making too much lather. Key is to find a good moisturizer that suits your skin and reduces the redness.

2. Flushing and redness treatment

Flushing and redness can be very troublesome and embarrassing symptom.. Applying moisturizer that has been kept in the fridge may be helpful for uncomfortable flushing attacks. At Harley Street Healthcare our Dermatologists can prescribe topical antiflushing creams which are highly effective in symptom control, we also offer newer therapies which are not routinely prescribed on the NHS.

3. Inflamed spots treatment

The most effective treatment for inflammatory rosacea is topical or oral treatment. Topical treatments include mixtures of topical antibiotic and acids. We may recommend a course of an oral antibiotic for a few weeks or months which often provides marked improvements – our dermatologists are highly experienced in such treatments so please feel free to call us on 0207 030 3370 to book an appointment.

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Psoriasis Treatment London

Psoriasis Treatment at our Harley Street Clinic –  Dermatologist Consultation £169

What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes inflammation, redness, scaling and the thickness of the skin. It can affect any part of the body including the elbows, scalp, knees and nails. In some case, it may be associated with the arthritis. The psoriasis can be a result of stress, illness or some medications. Psoriasis is usually intermittent, and sufferers may experience outburst during distress or hormonal fluctuations.


Psoriasis is believed to be caused by the change in the skin immune system where the growth of new skin cell is accelerated and the skin cells that are build up on the skin surface forms a psoriatic plaque. Usually, skin cells replace themselves with new cells every 28 days, while psoriatic skin cells are replaced every two to six days. This causes to appear the buildup skin cells as patches of red skin with silvery white scales.

When does Psoriasis Appear?

At London Dermatology Clinic; our Psoriasis Treatment London sees patients from all age groups including baby to old age as it can occur at any time in life. Around 30% of all cases are related to genetic conditions of psoriasis while others are thought to be associated with injury, stress, drug reaction or infection. Genetic condition does not necessarily mean that either of the person’s parents would have had psoriasis, but it could be a result of a combination of genes from both parents.

Psoriasis mostly appears in mid-adult life however, it can also occur in children and adults. It can often last for several months or years, but its severity may increase or decrease. The psoriasis can get worse with emotional stress, throat bacterial infection, certain medication and over consumption of alcohol.

How Psoriasis Affect People?
The severity of psoriasis can vary from no more than a minor irritation to a major problem. In severe cases, a patient has to be hospitalized. Even a little bit of psoriasis in a delicate area such as genitals or face can cause extreme distress. Sometimes it can cause itching and painful cracking of the skin. People may feel psychologically upset, low self-worth, low self-esteem and troubles in forming sexual & emotional relationship.

Psoriasis Treatment London

Although there is no effective cure for this problem, this medical condition can still be controlled well with medication. The treatment for psoriasis involves three basic categories: Topical treatment, phototherapy and systemic medication.

Topical Treatment – This treatment includes applying creams and lotions directly on the skin. It also involves tar, vitamin preparations, steroids and soap substitutes. It is effective at the mild stage when only small areas of the body are affected.

Phototherapy – The phototherapy treatment involves the precise dose of ultraviolet light, either UVA or UVB, being delivered by UV machine. UVB can be used directly, whereas UVA is used in conjunction with Psoralen. The Psoralen is a chemical derived from plants and when applied on the skin, it makes the skin more sensitive to UVA. Also known as PUVA, it is undertaken only where UVB is less effective. Phototherapy is usually carried out two or three times a week for several weeks. Regular exposure to sunlight also helps to control psoriasis, as the sunrays emit UV radiation. Phototherapy is effective for moderate to severe level of psoriasis where larger areas of the body are involved.

Systemic Medication – Systemic medication may either suppress the immune system or slow down the skin cells replacement and reduces inflammation. Systemic medications may require monitoring using blood tests and should always be prescribed under the supervision of an experienced dermatologist.

If you would like to get Psoriasis Treatment London call us today on 0207 030 3370 and speak to a member of our friendly team.

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Treat your Rash at our Harley Street Dermatology Clinic – Dermatologist consultation £169

A rash can occur at any time and on anyone. They often resolve on their own however if you’ve been afflicted with a rash and would like it cleared call our London Dermatology Clinics. All rash patients will be seen by our senior dermatologist who will be able to identify the cause of rash and treat it accordingly.


A rash can be characterized into the following:

Blistering –  Collection of fluid in round or oval shape underneath the outer layer of the skin.
Macular – They appear like flat spots.
Nodular – It looks like small and firm rounded mass.
Papular – Similar to nodular, it might appear little raised.
Pustular – It appears as a blister containing pus.

Causes of Rash:

Food Allergy – Sometimes people develop rashes following food consumption they are not used to. Sometimes a change in water could be a reason when a person migrates to foreign land. In this case, a person should start with little quantity and gradually increase if there are no signs of rashes.

Drug Reactions – Rashes may appear on the skin of the people who are taking a long or short course of medication

Contact with Irritant – When skin comes in contact with chemicals used in hair dye, paints, cosmetic creams, detergents, perfumes, etc. and metals like nickel and zinc, rashes tend to appear. The skin may not be suitable for such things and may develop rashes.

Skin Diseases – Patients with other skin diseases are often prone to getting a rash. Visit our dermatologists today to treat your skin disease and rash.

Heat Exposure – The skin may start to develop rashes when it is exposed to strong sun’s heat for a long time.
Friction between clothes and skin – Not everybody has the same skin type, hence the clothes they wear may produce irritation when it comes in contact with the body. Avoid wearing such fabrics as soon as you find irritation on the skin.

Rashes in Infants – Rashes are very common in infants. They are not usually serious and often go away on their own. Diaper rash can occur when the infant’s skin is in prolonged contact with the bacteria present in the waste product of the baby.

Harley Street Healthcare – London Dermatology Clinics Tip: For nappy rash clean the affected area with plain water and expose the infant’s skin to the air as much as possible. Use cloth diaper if possible. N.B.  A rash may appear on the infant’s face due to food and stomach issues.

Rash Treatment London

Treatment for rashes can include topical or oral preparations depending on its cause. Our dermatologists have seen plenty of rashes and will be able to diagnose your or your infants rash allowing them to formulate an effective treatment plan. Call us today to book in for an appointment.

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Eczema Treatment London

Treat your Eczema at our Harley Street Clinic – Dermatologist Consultation £169

Eczema or dermatitis is inflammation of the skin – it can affect all ages and all areas of the body including the scalp. Eczema can be very itchy, uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing. At Harley Street Healthcare, our London dermatologists have a wealth of experience in treating eczema and difficult to treat dermatitis including eczema in children. 

Flexural excema young girl

As a life long eczema sufferer I felt that there was no point in seeing any more doctors. After a lot of persuading by my friend who visited Harley Street Healthcare for his skin condition I decided to take the plunge and see what could be done with mine. I was prescribed a concoction of medications and given a treatment plan which cleared my skin faster than I could believe it.  My skin is now clear and I only need to use the medication when the odd patch of eczema arises. I can’t thank the team enough.

P.Z Paddington, London

Our London Dermatologists are highly skilled in treating eczema in adults and children. Our dermatologists provide treatment regimes that are based on results. Many of our clients have been amazed at the response of our eczema treatments and are often surprised that their eczema clears up so well. If you would like to discuss how to effectively clear your eczema, call our clinic on 0207 030 3370.

Types of Eczema

Atopic eczema – Very common in children linked with hay fever and asthma. One out of five children born in the UK suffers from eczema. Atopic eczema can cause lack of sleep, tiredness, slows growth and irritability. It can be very itchy and can appear on the face in babies and elbows and knees in older children. Atopic eczema may improve with age but often continues into adulthood.

Harley Street Healthcare – London dermatology clinics tip: Apply moisturiser to prevent the drying of skin. Bathe regularly in lukewarm, salt water.

Contact dermatitis – This is caused by an allergic reaction when skin comes into contact with chemicals such as metals in jewelry, perfume fragrances, chemicals in hair dye and preservatives in cosmetic creams. People may become allergic to the products that they have been using for years and remain allergic from that point onwards. In case of unexplained eczema at certain sites, patch testing can be used to identify the cause.

Irritant contact eczema – This eczema occurs when the chemical in soaps and disinfectants come in contact too often with the skin – common in people who wash their hands frequently including hairdressers, chefs and health care workers. It is not actually an allergic reaction, but it is the irritation that is being caused due to the loss of natural oils from the skin.

Lichen simplex chronicus – It starts with something that rubs or irritates the skin such as fabric. As a person scratches more on the affected area, the skin tends to thicken more. The more thick it gets, the more it itches. It may spread rapidly on other body parts if the person keeps scratching.

Pompholyx/Dyshydrotic eczema – This eczema develops small itchy blisters under the skin on hands and feet. This might be related to sweating, and it occurs mostly in young adults. It is aggravated when the spot comes in contact with irritants such as soap water or detergent.

Drug-induced eczema – Any of the above eczema that occurs because of the side effects of the medications

Asteatotic eczema – Eczema develops when the skin becomes dry and cracked with age. Affects lower legs and underarms. It is common in elderly patients.

Eczema Treatment London

The treatments for eczema can be divided into three basic categories based on the severity: creams, systemic medication and phototherapy.

Creams include steroids, emollients and soap substitutes. Emollients should be applied regularly to keep the skin soft. Topical steroids should be applied at night to reduce inflammation and itching sensation.
Systemic medications may require monitoring using blood tests and should only be taken under the supervision of an experienced dermatologist.

Call us now to book an appointment with one of our consultant dermatologists today.

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Acne Treatment London

Treat your acne at our Harley Street Clinic –  Dermatologist Consultation £169

Acne can be an uncomfortable and stressful skin disease, that’s why we have specialist clinics dedicated purely for the treatment of acne. At Harley Street Healthcare, dermatologists at our London dermatology clinics have decades of experience in treating stubborn acne with many patients often very surprised at how clear their skin was prior to developing acne.

acne male

Prior to visiting Harley Street Healthcare, I had tried many different ointments and creams prescribed to me by my GP. It was obvious that the team were extremely knowledgeable in treating acne with their results based approach. My skin is now clear after many years of suffering this disease. I wish I had come here earlier. Thank you team!

G. N Wandsworth

Acne is one of the most common skin problems faced by teenagers and young adults. Acne arises as sebaceous glands present in hair follicle start to secrete oil or grease which in turn produces sebum, a solid white substance. When skin cells in the follicle shed, they mix with the sebum and block the follicle. As more and more sebum gathers, it swells out on the skin and creates an ideal environment for the propionibacterium acnes (P acnes) bacteria.

The bacteria builds up along with other debris from the skin surface blocking the follicle causing inflammation giving rise to blackheads, whiteheads, cysts and pimples.

Acne appears on face, chest and back. Many acne patients suffer from low self-confidence, low self-esteem especially for those who have acne on their face. That’s why Harley Street Healthcare’s London dermatology clinics have specialist acne clinics tailored for acne patients many of whom have had little success elsewhere.

What Causes Acne?
Acne occurs in two structures.
1) The pore through which the hair comes out – here, the stickiness of dead skin cells partially blocks the pore.
2) The secretion of oil in sebaceous glands – the more oil produced, the oilier the skin gets. When pores are partially blocked, it limits the flow of the oil to the skin. The oil keeps gathering and starts to solidify giving rise to blackheads. The black colour of the blackhead is not because of the dirt, but it is because of a change in pigment in the blockage.

As the  oil collects around the hair and the hair root, it can get infected by the bacteria present in the skin – that’s why some dermatologists like prescribing antibiotics in conjunction with acne medication. The bacterium transforms the oil into inflammatory chemicals that causes redness, soreness and formation of pus, known as pimples. When this spot is squeezed, the pus can break deep into the skin instead of on the skin surface. This bursting of pus in the skin can result in cyst formation. If the cyst is ruptured, it causes acne scars.

Acne Treatment London
Dermatologists at our London Dermatology Clinics will treat your acne depending on its cause, severity and your gender. Our dermatologists are highly experienced in treating acne and will approach your treatment with a results based approach.


Treatment can involve a combination of topical ointments, oral antibiotics, contraceptive pills (for women) and retinoids. Other therapies like laser therapy and hyfrecation are also popular and effective to treat acne. Laser therapy works by pointing the laser light on the skin, which kills the bacteria causing acne and repairs the damages caused by the bacteria.Your treatment will depend on the severity of your condition – our experienced dermatologists treat acne on a daily basis and will be able to tailor you a personalised and effective treatment plan to clear your skin.

Call us now on 02070303370 to arrange a consultation with one of our dermatologists and start your acne treatment today.

Dealing with Annoying Skin Stuff: Skin Tags, Spots & Pimples

Let’s face it, nobody wants these uninvited guests on their face! This guide will help you understand what face skin tag removal, Face Spot Treatment, and Laser Treatment for Pimples are, and how to get rid of them safely.

Read more

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What is a Dermatologist?

A dermatologist is a doctor who has had extensive training in the field of skin, hair and nails. Dermatologists usually have to go through at least 12 years of training in medicine to finally be qualified as a dermatologist. The exhaustive training includes 5-6 years in medical school as well as a further 8 years of hospital training which encompasses areas of general medicine, surgery and extensive experience in treating skin disease.

Dermatologists are allowed to prescribe medications which other doctors including General Practitioners are not. As dermatologists have many years of experience, having seen and treated multiple cases of various skin disorders they are well placed to provide you with appropriate treatment for your skin problem which doctors from other specialities will not.

At Imperial London Dermatology Clinics our dermatologists have not only the basic training but are pioneers in many aspects of dermatology which requires decades of knowledge and experience. Many of our dermatologists have practiced dermatology in the UK and abroad including tropical countries allowing them to have more exposure and the ability to treat a wider array of skin conditions than those purely seen in the UK.

Dermatologists can provide both surgical and medical treatments depending on the skin disorder. Many dermatologists including those at Imperial London Dermatology Clinics practice cosmetic dermatology – including anti-ageing injections, fillers and skin rejuvination treatments.

If you would like to book a consultation with one of our dermatologists medical or cosmetic please call our team now.


OPEN daily from 9am To 9pm 0207 030 3370

Video consultations are available for our International Patients & those in Self Isolation please call 0207 030 3370